Connect, Balance and Recharge

with our range of Experiences

  • Initial 1hr Astrology Birth Chart Reading - $145.00

    Practitioner: Charlene Almond

    A comprehensive analysis of your birth chart that goes beyond your sun sign. This 1hr session delves into the precise details of your date, time and location of birth. By examining the positions of the planets at this pivotal moment we can unveil the powerful cosmic blueprint that shapes your unique personality, strengths & potential.

    NB - We require your birth time, birthdate and city of birth 6hrs before your booking.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • 45min Astrology Follow Up Session - Via Phone/Zoom - $88.00

    Practitioner: Charlene Almond

    This focused 45min follow up session builds upon your initial birth chart reading, offering a personalised roadmap for navigating the upcoming years astrological events and how they influence you on a personal, professional and relational level.

  • 30min Focused Astrology Reading - Via Phone/Zoom - $66.00

    Practitioner: Charlene Almond

    Got a specific question?

    This 30min focused Astrology reading allows you to chose any topic of choice from your astrology birth chart. Pick a topic like children, relationships, money and career. We can unpack this in detail using your chart to find what challenges and or successes lie in the planets.

  • 1hr Bowen Therapy - In Person - $80.00

    Practitioner: Yasmin Turner

    Relieves muscle aches and pains, calms the nervous system by putting the body into the rest and restore mode and improves the quality of the messages sent via the nervous system (for healing mechanisms to work effectively).

    As Bowen Therapy works with the nervous system, it can be beneficial for digestive problems, menstrual irregularities, emotional support (stress, anxiety), RSI, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headache/migraines as well as muscular pain (neck, back, shoulder e.c.t).

  • 1hr Counselling Service - POA

    Practitioner: David Peters

    We offer a safe space for individuals & families to explore & navigate life’s challenges.

    Whether you’re facing issues related to relationships, mental health, or personal growth, we’re here to provide personalized guidance & support.

    Convenient online & face-to-face sessions available. Take the first step towards healing & growth today.

  • Crystal Ball & Oracle Card Reading

    30min Crystal Ball & Oracle Card Reading - $60.00

    Practitioner: Bridget Sherlock

    Are you ready to experience the magic and wisdom that awaits you? Book a 30-minute Crystal Ball & Oracle Card Reading today and step into a world of spiritual guidance, clarity, and enlightenment.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • 1hr Crystal Ball & Oracle Card Reading - In Person - $100.00

    Practitioner: Bridget Sherlock

    Are you ready to experience the magic and wisdom that awaits you? Book a 60-minute Crystal Ball & Oracle Card Reading today and step into a world of spiritual guidance, clarity, and enlightenment.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • Hypnotherapy - POA

    Practitioner: Various

    Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating permanent change in many areas including but not limited to…weight loss, quit smoking, anxiety, insomnia, stress, depression, fears, phobias, panic attacks, general bad habits, improve athletic performance, building the positives , PTSD, pre-op, grief & loss.

  • 1hr Integrated Energetics - In Person - $85.00

    Practitioner: Buffi Barrett

    Integrated Energetics is a hybrid energy medicine modality that uses muscle testing and bio feedback to determine where blockages are present in the body. We can then find out what modality the body needs in order to release these blockages and find its way back to a balanced state.

    Some of the tools and techniques used in a 1hr session may include; Muscle testing / Biofeedback, Acupressure, Flower Essences and Essential Oils, Sound Healing, Chinese Medicine Meridians, Chakras & Aura Healing, EFT Tapping, Colour Therapy and Crystal Healing.

  • 1hr Reiki Healing - Distance - $85.00

    Practitioner: Various

    The perfect option for those that cannot make it into the shop, and just as effective as an in-person Reiki Healing.

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that also promotes healing. It is administered by laying hands on or above the body where healing assistance is required.

    All sessions include a chakra balancing and clearing of the auric field. Following the methods developed by Master Usui, Reiki is a gentle, harmonious and transformative healing for all ages.

  • 1hr Reiki Healing - In Person - $85.00

    Practitioner: Various

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by laying hands on, or above, the body where healing assistance is required.

    All sessions include a chakra balancing and clearing of the auric field. Following the methods developed by Master Usui, Reiki is a gentle, harmonious and transformative healing for all ages.

  • 1hr Double Power Crystal Reiki - In Person - $250.00

    Practitioner: Various

    Lay above a healing crystal mandala as two practitioners take you safely into a deep state of divine healing where your energy matrix can be restored, chakras aligned and blocks cleared. This deep journey offers you a powerful energetic transformation while allowing you to rest as the practitioners work on your behalf using a combination of Reiki & Crystal Healing techniques. You will also be given messages from your spiritual guides post the session.

    This offering of two trained reiki practitioners working together for your benefit, naturally assists in raising the energy of the reiki experience to even more intense vibratory levels of peace, harmony, healing and divine love.

  • Remote Healing Readings - Distance - $120.00

    Practitioner: Isis Brunet

    In this remote healing, our intuitive healer Isis will enter an expanded state on your behalf to scan your energy field, identify blocks and energies that are no longer in harmony with your divine highest good, and cleanse your aura with divine guidance from your Spiritual Guides.

    Sessions last up to 1.5 hours and are followed by a detailed report via email, providing you with insights into the healing journey undertaken upon your behalf.

  • 1hr Remote Space Clearing - $100.00

    Practitioner: Isis Brunet

    Identify and dissolve discordant energies in this distance healing for your home or office. Entities, energies or emotional traumas can be replaced with freedom, joy and peace - with a guiding hand. Isis will ask you to use some form of sage, spray and candles of your own to assist in realigning the space.

    A report will be emailed to you following the session detailing the experience, along with suggestions for enhancing energetic alignment. A message from your Spiritual Guides will also be included.

    Experience the transformative effects of a space clearing, creating a more vibrant and uplifting environment for your space.

  • 1.5hr Shamanic Reiki - In Person - $220.00

    Practitioner: Isis Brunet

    Lay above a healing crystal mandala as Isis takes you safely into a deep state of divine healing where your energy matrix can be restored, chakras aligned and blocks cleared. This deep journey offers you a powerful energetic transformation while allowing you to rest as Isis works on your behalf using pranic healing & crystals. You will be given messages from your spiritual guides post the session via email. Offering similar goals as a Shamanic Soul Journey, but without the conscious exertion, this offering is excellent for extreme fatigue, recent crises & unwanted reoccurring patterns requiring a powerful intervention.

  • 1.5hr Shamanic Soul Journey - In Person - $220.00

    Practitioner: Isis Brunet

    Lay within a divine crystal mandala and be guided into a positive healing state called “Crystal Dreaming®”.

    Here you will discover and heal the mysteries in your personal life: past lives, soul retrieval, chakra cleansing & crystal healing are all part of the process. A Shamanic Journey is used to effectively clear karmic energy blocks, triggers & traumas, while Isis holds space for you to download Light Codes, 12 strand DNA and more, for your spiritual, emotional, and physical transformation.

    The crystal matrix offers protection, guiding you to the empowering possibilities of personally encountering benevolent Guides & basking in eternal bliss & unity consciousness. A powerful upgrade to the abilities for the spiritual seeker. Over 18 only.

  • 30min Tarot & Oracle Reading - In Person - $60.00

    Practitioner: Various

    Feeling a little lost and looking for some guidance? We will intuitively read your energy field through the images and symbology of the tarot cards.

    After a look into your past to see how it might still affect you or hold you back, we will explore your current situation, and outline your potential future for the next three to twelve months.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • 30min Tarot & Oracle Reading - Via Phone/Zoom - $60.00

    Practitioner: Various

    Our compassionate and experienced tarot readers are available daily for remote readings via email.

    They will choose a card for each of the next 12 months for you. Then they will send you an email with a short description of the energies expected for the year ahead. A photo of each of the cards chosen will also be included.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • 1hr Tarot & Oracle Reading - In Person - $100.00

    Practitioner: Various

    Feeling a little lost and looking for some guidance? We will intuitively read your energy field through the images and symbology of the tarot cards.

    After a look into your past to see how it might still affect you or hold you back , we will explore your current situation, and outline your potential future for the next three to twelve months.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • 1hr Tarot & Oracle Reading - Via Phone/Zoom - $100.00

    Practitioner: Various

    Feeling a little lost and looking for some guidance? We will intuitively read your energy field through the images and symbology of the tarot cards.

    After a look into your past to see how it might still affect you or hold you back , we will explore your current situation, and outline your potential future for the next three to twelve months.

    Each reading is private and confidential.

  • 1x Past Life Reading - Via Email - $100.00

    Practitioner: Bridget Sherlock

    Bridget will connect with your spirit guides through a photo of yourself ensuring she focuses on your unique energy. She will then ask your guides to lead her to a past life of your choosing or if you prefer one chosen by your guides. Bridget will channel the life and craft a story based on it, uncovering any connections with people in your current lifetime who may have also been part of your past life. At the end of the reading you will receive messages from your guides about that life and the potential impact on this current one. If there is a specific area you would like to focus the reading on - such as spiritual gifts, a connection with someone, a talent, unexplained fear etc Bridget can address that for you.

    This experience includes 1x past life reading only, which takes approximately 3hrs to complete.

  • 3x Past Life Readings - Via Email - $270.00

    Practitioner: Bridget Sherlock

    Bridget will connect with your spirit guides through a photo of yourself ensuring she focuses on your unique energy. She will then ask your guides to lead her to a past life of your choosing or if you prefer one chosen by your guides. Bridget will channel the life and craft a story based on it, uncovering any connections with people in your current lifetime who may have also been part of your past life. At the end of the reading you will receive messages from your guides about that life and the potential impact on this current one. If there is a specific area you would like to focus the reading on - such as spiritual gifts, a connection with someone, a talent, unexplained fear etc Bridget can address that for you.

    This experience includes 3x past life reading only, which takes approximately 9hrs to complete.

  • 1hr Past Life Reiki Clearing - In Person - $85.00

    Practitioner: Bridget Sherlock

    We often carry pain, heartache and trauma energetically from one life to the next, affecting us in unconscious ways. Through the healing art of Reiki, Bridget will connect with your energy to identify and clear any past life trauma you may be carrying into this life. At the end of an in-person healing, Bridget will discuss each past life she addressed, the trauma you were carrying and how she cleared it. At the end of the healing, Bridget will explain the past life she addressed, the trauma you were carrying and how she cleared it.

    Please note no email report is included in this healing.

  • 1hr Past Life Reiki Clearing - Distance with Report - $100.00

    Practitioner: Bridget Sherlock

    We often carry pain, heartache and trauma energetically from one life to the next, affecting us in unconscious ways. Through the healing art of Reiki, Bridget will connect with your energy to identify and clear any past life trauma you may be carrying into this life. At the end of an in-person healing, Bridget will discuss each past life she addressed, the trauma you were carrying and how she cleared it. In the email report for the distance healing, Bridget will explain what each past life she addressed, the trauma you were carrying and how she cleared it.