Celebrating the Spirit: Unveiling the Significance of Birthdays

From a young age we are taught to link birthdays with positive feelings

like happiness, love, and appreciation. As children, birthdays are special

occasions when we are showered with gifts, attention and love from

family and friends. These joyful moments create lasting memories that

we cherish into adulthood. As we grow older, birthdays take on new

meanings. They become a time to reflect on our accomplishments, set

new goals and appreciate the relationships we have in our lives.

Celebrating another year of life reminds us of our mortality and the

preciousness of time. It is a chance to pause, take stock of where we are

in our journey, and consider where we want to go next. Birthdays also

give us a sense of accomplishment and validation. It is a time to

celebrate our achievements no matter how big or small they may be and

acknowledge the progress we have made over the past year.

Birthday Special

You might be wondering why I’m bringing up birthdays completely out of

the blue this month and it is a valid wondering. The answer is that the

beautiful shop Raise Your Vibe Now, which connects us all - is

celebrating its second birthday this month – on the 5th of August to be

exact. To celebrate we have teamed up with our neighbours Proper

Pizza. Everyone who purchases a one-hour healing or reading can pop

next door and receive a coffee and cake on us! This offer is only

available until the 17 th of August so get on down to the shop and join the


A Little Bit of History

Did you know birthdays weren’t really a thing until calendars came

about? This makes sense though because early civilizations didn’t have

a way to keep track of time other than observing the sun, moon, or other

significant events. This made it difficult to know when someone’s

birthday was. Over time people noticed the effects of aging but they

didn’t have a way of marking the milestone. It wasn’t until ancient

cultures began noting the moon’s cycles and changes in seasons and

how these patterns repeated over and over that they started paying

attention to the passage of time. Many birthday traditions have been

passed down through generations. The customs we have today like

blowing out candles, having a cake, making a wish, and receiving gifts

all originate from ancient civilizations.

Spiritual Significance of Birthdays

Not only do birthdays mark another lap around the sun (your only dose

of science this month - you are very welcome), but they also have a

great spiritual significance as well. The energy around your birthday is

full of possibility and potential, making it the perfect time to set your

intentions and bring your dreams to life. Your birthday is a powerful time

for manifestation. It marks a new beginning and fresh chapter in your


We’ve all had those birthdays that didn’t quite meet our expectations.

Often this happens because we rely on others to make our day special

instead of focusing on cherishing and celebrating ourselves. We may not

realise how much pressure we put on others to make our birthdays

extraordinary when really, it should come from within.

The best way to mark your birthday spiritually is to do something that is

important to you and that makes your soul sparkle and shine. So many

things in life get in the way of us really honouring and cherishing

ourselves as much as we should, so our birthdays are the perfect

opportunity to do this for ourselves.

A Little Life Lesson

I’m going to share a little lesson I learned about birthdays this year with

you all. I turned the big 50 a couple of months ago, and I am not going to

lie I was dreading it. Part of me wanted to bury my head in the sand and

pretend that it wasn’t happening. Another part of me felt like I should

have a party and celebrate this momentous milestone. But after much

pondering I realised that if I were to throw a party it wouldn’t have been

for me or about me it would have been for all those people who informed

me of the great importance of celebrating. In the end, I decided that

since it was my birthday I was going to celebrate it my way. So, I spent

the day at Raise Your Vibe Now with the beautiful Ricky and Stacey, I

took part in Reiki share and that night my lovely husband cooked a

delicious steak dinner and we all cuddled up on the couch and watched

Beetlejuice (my choice obviously since it was my birthday). It was one of

the best birthdays I have ever had. Why, you ask? Because I didn’t have

any expectations of how things should have gone or how they should

have happened, I took things as they came, and it was amazing and

from now on each trip around the sun I take I will be doing the same for


Birthday Rituals

Over the years humans have developed certain birthday rituals if you will

that we all tend to more or less follow. From getting presents, to having a

party, ballons, a special meal, having a cake and of course blowing out

the candles. And the wish! We cannot forget the wish! But a birthday

ritual isn’t just about cake, presents, and candles. It is really about

celebrating your life and loving yourself on your birthday instead of

expecting others to do it for you. It is a time for reflection, celebration

and setting intentions for the year ahead. Whether you choose a quiet

moment of reflection, or a lively gathering with loved ones, your birthday

celebration is all about honouring yourself and your journey.

There are many ways you could mark your birthday from having a

cleansing bath with essential oils and bubbles to symbolically wash

away the past year, to writing in a journal to manifest new beginnings

and set new intention for the year ahead. The most important thing

though is to do something that is significant for you and only you. When

you make yourself the focus of your attention on your birthday you will

without a doubt take the expectation of getting it from others and you will

therefore manifest exactly that. Ultimately, a birthday ritual is your

opportunity to celebrate yourself and the beautiful gift of another year of


Interesting Birthday Facts

Just to finish off I’m going to share some fascinating facts about

birthdays with you. The most common birthday in Australia is the 17 th of

September. This date is roughly nine months from Christmas/New Years

Eve so that makes a lot of sense with all the extra love floating around

that time of year. The least common birthday in Australia is the 25 th of

December, not counting the 29 th of February of course. Some other less

common days to be born on are key holidays like New Years Day,

Australia Day, Anzac Day, and Boxing Day.

No matter if your latest trip around the sun is coming up soon or if it is far

away, I hope you celebrate it and cherish yourself on this special day.

Written by Bridget Sherlock.

Bridget is a heart-centred scryer that utilizes divination tools such as crystal balls, oracle cards & the tea leaves, to connect you with passed over loved ones and your spirit guides. She can assist with gaining clarity on matters of concern, finding your life path, and uncovering past lives that might be holding you back. Bridget is passionate about assisting others on their spiritual journeys no matter where they maybe in life.


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