Transform Your Life!

Experience profound personal transformation
through Energy Healing & Psychic Development.

Over the past few years many of us have started searching for ‘more’.

Depending on our unique journeys, our life experiences and personal

outlooks – the ‘more’ varies greatly. It was as though the whole COVID

situation flipped the world upside down, nudging us to see life through a

whole new lens. In hindsight, this shift has been a blessing in disguise

opening the door to deeper reflections and a greater appreciation for

what really matters.

For many of us, the search for more is where our spiritual journey

begins. To truly find our footing spiritually, we often need to heal old

wounds and release the beliefs, people and situations that no longer

serve our highest good in order to move forward. A good way to kickstart

this process is through energy healing.

What Exactly is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a practice that’s been embraced by cultures around

the world for centuries, it offers numerous health benefits including

reducing pain, easing depression and anxiety and promoting an overall

sense of well-being. As a complementary approach, energy healing is

based on the idea that our bodies have a natural energy flow and by

helping to balance this flow we can support our own healing process.

Energy Healing has its roots in ancient medicine like traditional Chinese

medicine (TCM). The basic idea behind TCM is that a vital energy force

known as “qi”, flows through the body. When there is an imbalance of qi,

it can lead to disease or illness. The aim is to help the body achieve

balance and realign our energy for healing. Energy healing includes

various techniques believed to clear blockages in the energy field that

contribute to imbalances in a person’s life. It works on the principle that

our physical body and life experiences are shaped by the energies in our

energy field, and any imbalances or blocks in this field can lead to

emotional challenges, physical pain, illness and any other unwanted


There are countless energy healing modalities, some rooted in ancient

traditions from around the world, while others are more modern

practices. These include, Reiki, Acupuncture, Crystal Healing, Sound

Healing, Qi Gong, Reflexology, Bowen Therapy, Quantum Energy

Healing, Shamanic Healing plus many, many more. Once we start

healing internally and letting go of what no longer serves us, we naturally

become ready to listen to and develop our intuition.

The Difference Between Psychic Ability & Intuition

At its core, intuition is the bridge between the subconscious and

conscious mind. It is how these two aspects of ourselves communicate,

making it a powerful source of creativity, wisdom and insight. Intuition

goes beyond what we can experience or logic, tapping into a deeper

understanding that transcends reasoning.

Have you ever just known who was calling before you even looked at

your phone? Or had a feeling that you shouldn’t do something on a

particular day? That is intuition at work. When you predict what a friend

is about to say before they even open their mouth, that is also intuition. It

is always there, whispering to us – whether it is a gut feeling, a sudden

change of mind, or that little voice nudging us in a certain direction. The

key is to listen and trust those instincts.

Intuitive guidance is something we all have, but not everyone tunes into

it. Psychic ability is often seen as something supernatural, but really it is

just intuition that has been nurtured, developed and refined. It is the

conscious and deliberate use of intuition. While it may seem

extraordinary, it is simply a skill that some people have honed over time,

just like others excel in sports or music. The good news? Anyone can

work on developing their psychic abilities, though some might find it

comes more naturally, just as some people are naturally gifted athletes

or musicians.

8 Key Benefits of Developing Your Intuition

1) Increased Self-Knowledge – Your subconscious is the home of

your true personality. When you make intuitive decisions, you are

aligning with your most authentic self. As you begin to recognise

and trust your intuition, you’ll find yourself more in tune with your

true desires, discovering aspects of yourself that you might have

only dreamed of before.

2) Better Decision Making – Developing your intuition allows you to

create space for your inner voice to guide you in the right direction.

As you begin to distinguish between your inner voice and your

ego, (AKA your heart and your head), you’ll find yourself feeling

more empowered and confident when making tough decisions

about which road to take. Those who actively develop their

intuitions are able to make better, faster and more beneficial


3) Build Stronger Relationships – Intuition and empathy are closely

connected. When you tap into your intuition, you start to sense

what others are feeling, which makes you more understanding and

less likely to react negatively. Showing empathy encourages others

to open up to you on a deeper level, strengthening your

relationships as a friend, colleague, parent or partner.

4) Learn Who to Trust – Sometimes we get a bad feeling when we

meet someone new. It doesn’t necessarily mean the person is bad,

but there is usually a reason for it. Maybe they are untrustworthy or

may lead you down the wrong path. Trusting your intuition about

the people in your life can often spare unnecessary future


5) Reduce Stress Levels – Once you begin to hear and trust that

inner voice you naturally become much more mindful. Suddenly,

you start noticing signs and become more aware of what is

happening around you. Research shows that people who practice

mindfulness experience significantly lower stress levels.

6) Find Your Purpose or Calling – We all have that inner voice

guiding us on what we should be doing with our lives. Sometimes,

it is shouting at us, but the noise in our head drowns it out. By

strengthening your intuition, you can clear the mental clutter and

let that voice sing out with crystal clear clarity, helping you to

discover what your life purpose is.

7) Know When to Say “No” – Once we start trusting our feelings,

we gain the confidence to say no when something doesn’t feel

right. Maybe you’ve been offered a promotion and while your head

is telling you to take it because of the extra money and career

growth, your gut is saying that it is not the right move for you.

People with a well-developed intuition have no trouble saying no,

understanding that the inner voice is trying to protect them for a

reason. It is a tough skill to master but once you do, nothing will

hold you back.

8) Greater Physical & Mental Health – When you trust your

intuition, your body becomes more attuned with your body’s

intuitive wisdom. This awareness helps you to know exactly when

to take a break, seek professional help or make necessary lifestyle

changes. By making intuitive decisions to care for your body, you

create a balanced state of mind. And because intuition guides you

to make positive, intelligent choices, you’ll naturally prioritise your

well-being, safety and happiness.

You don’t have to develop your intuition to the point of being paid to read

professionally for others. Just being in tune with it and trusting your

instincts can have a huge impact on your life. That is why it is worth the

effort to practice and nurture it every day even in small ways. The

benefits of listening to that inner voice and participating in energy

healing when it feels right are truly invaluable.

Written by Bridget Sherlock.

Bridget is a heart-centred scryer that utilizes divination tools such as crystal balls, oracle cards & the tea leaves, to connect you with passed over loved ones and your spirit guides. She can assist with gaining clarity on matters of concern, finding your life path, and uncovering past lives that might be holding you back. Bridget is passionate about assisting others on their spiritual journeys no matter where they maybe in life.


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