Bagged Crystal Chips


A 200g bag of your favourite crystals, so you can harness their individual powers. We have the following crystals available:

  • Clear Quartz

  • Amethyst

  • Lapis Lazuli

  • Rose Quartz

  • Citrine

  • Black Obsidian

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A 200g bag of your favourite crystals, so you can harness their individual powers. We have the following crystals available:

  • Clear Quartz

  • Amethyst

  • Lapis Lazuli

  • Rose Quartz

  • Citrine

  • Black Obsidian

A 200g bag of your favourite crystals, so you can harness their individual powers. We have the following crystals available:

  • Clear Quartz

  • Amethyst

  • Lapis Lazuli

  • Rose Quartz

  • Citrine

  • Black Obsidian

  • Clear Quartz - If you are looking for direction, then this master of all the healing crystals is the perfect crystal for you. Associated with the crown chakra, Clear Quartz encourages clarity of thought and establishes a strong connection with your higher guidance.

  • Amethyst - One of the most popular crystals, Amethyst is associated with the third-eye chakra and is good for spiritual protection and purification. It also assists with overcoming addictions and blockages of all kinds.

  • Lapis Lazuli - A stone of truth, Lapis Lazuli can assist releasing problems within the throat chakra. It encourages the ability to connect with your authentic self, and will promote honesty when speaking or writing.

  • Rose Quartz - Expand your capacity for empathy and love, with Rose Quartz. Associated with the heart chakra, it is known to clear feelings of anger, resentment, fear and guilt. It will provide deep inner peace, offer healing, and reprogram the heart for integrity and self-love.

  • Citrine - This golden-brown gemstone is wonderful for clearing and balancing the solar plexus chakra. Increasing the amount of light surrounding the physical body, it will protect the aura of those who can be extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. It can also assist with increasing one's self-confidence, motivation and direction.

  • Black Obsidian - A powerful cleansing and protective stone, Black Obsidian is associated with the base/root chakra. It's metaphysical properties will assist in washing away feelings of fear, anger and resentment or just the stress of everyday life, and provide you with protection from negativity.